印刷問(wèn)答 2022-09-01 20:02 128
哪怕任何行業(yè)在非洲發(fā)展都會(huì )門(mén)檻重重。但似乎也阻擋不了全球貿易下,非洲的‘韌性’發(fā)展,也隔絕不了‘嘗鮮者’投資非洲覓商機?!鲆?jiàn)未來(lái),瞭望非洲’欄目,讓我們透過(guò)非洲各行發(fā)展現狀,瞭望非洲未來(lái)和無(wú)限可能。
Even if there are barriers to the development of any industry in Africa. But there seems to be no stopping Africa's 'resilience' in the face of global trade, nor is there any barrier to 'tasters' investing in Africa for business opportunities. In 'Meet the Future, See Africa', we take a look at the future of Africa and its endless possibilities, through the current state of development of all sectors in Africa.
隨著(zhù)全球打印機市場(chǎng)接近飽和和高度波動(dòng),來(lái)自全球的印刷企業(yè)正在將探索和投資目標投向非洲這個(gè)新市場(chǎng)。根據Transparency Market Research對近年非洲印刷機市場(chǎng)最新研究報告顯示,非洲印刷機市場(chǎng)價(jià)值正在強勁增長(cháng)。
As the global printers market approaches saturation and high volatility,attracted several local as well as international players to invest in the African printers market.The African printing press market is growing strongly in value, according to a new research report by Transparency Market Research on the African printing press market in recent years.
Africa Printer Market Status and Outlook
l 2020 年非洲打印機市場(chǎng)價(jià)值2.041億美元
l 預計從 2021 年到 20*1 年,復合年增長(cháng)率為*.*%
l 到20*1年底,非洲打印機市場(chǎng)的價(jià)值預計將超過(guò)2.***億美元
l The Africa Printers Market was valued at US$ 204.1 Mn in 2020
l It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of *.*% from 2021 to 20*1
l The Africa Printers Market is expected to cross the value of US$ 2**.* Mn by the end of 20*1
Digital printing to grow rapidly in African printer market
With the rise of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the printing industry, like any other industry, has undergone a digital transformation, with the use of digital inkjet printers increasing on the continent compared to traditional printers.
Africa's printing materials market has huge potential
Rising GDP results in an increase in the number of individual income and a growing population of youthful consumers and continuously changing lifestyle are likely to increase the demand for a packaged consumer product and printed materials.
Analysis of relevant data shows that the population of African children will reach one billion by 20**, and with a young Africa, education is a key element in developing Africa, and the importance of printing books as an important learning tool for student education can be imagined.
Made in China recently released its first quarter 2022 data on printing material purchases.
Big data from Made in China shows that Africa was the second ranked source market for buyers in the printing materials industry from January to April 2022, with a regional share of 20.*%.
The Made in China data also lists the following hot rankings of products in demand on the sellers' side.
Africa, which has the largest share of the top ten fastest growing global economies, is in a growth phase as a whole, and in the case of printing in Africa, which is closely linked to universal education and increased exports of products, its development is promising.
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