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印刷問(wèn)答 2022-10-08 18:31 130

在設計上由于空間結構過(guò)于硬朗,所以我們在空間內增加植物及一些軟化的材質(zhì)去豐富,是空間環(huán)境在感受上更加平衡一些,在超級有限的資金投入的基礎上做出應有的設計表達,實(shí)際情況來(lái)看基本做到了設計引導項目前提,加以商業(yè)推廣的大力加持,相信這種投入少且能快速復制的酒吧形態(tài)會(huì )是未來(lái)這個(gè)行業(yè)一種全新模式。

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖






LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖

LUV酒吧 裝修 效果圖


這個(gè)酒吧的定位是在本地有明顯區分其它類(lèi)似項目業(yè)態(tài)的,本身的客戶(hù)來(lái)源靠的是通過(guò)網(wǎng)絡(luò )推廣及在校學(xué)生之間的傳播,并不是傳統意義上的閃客,所以從開(kāi)業(yè)之初就很火爆,客戶(hù)定位主要是*0-00后,在價(jià)位及空間修飾方面充分體現,每桌的消費全無(wú)壓力,這樣來(lái)就會(huì )使項目的投資者快速的回籠資金,投資者就可快速復制,是一種全新的快餐式酒吧。

The orientation of this bar is to differentiate other similar project formats in the local area. Its customer source is through network promotion and communication among students in school. It is not a flash customer in the traditional sense, so it has been very popular since the beginning of the business. The customer orientation is mainly after *0-00, after the price and space repair. Decoration fully reflects that the consumption of each table is completely pressure-free, so that the investors of the project can quickly withdraw funds, investors can quickly replicate, is a brand-new fast-food bar.

空間中沒(méi)有夸張的舞臺燈光,因為酒吧的需求并不是希望客人舞動(dòng)起來(lái),而是坐下來(lái)娛樂(lè )及交流互動(dòng)保持穩定性,只選擇一種主題色即紅色,代表著(zhù)激情、燃燒、性感、迷離,只有吧臺處放置酒的區域用冷色光源使這一點(diǎn)更突出,視覺(jué)也更集中,在室內建筑結構上保持原始形態(tài),其姿態(tài)盡量做到舊而不破,方便使用者的維護及增加空間的使用年限。

There is no exaggerated stage lighting in the space, because the demand of the bar is not to want the guests to dance, but to sit down and entertain and exchange interaction to maintain stability. It only chooses a theme color, namely red, which represents passion, burning, sexy and blurred. Only the area where the bar is placed with wine is made more protrusive by cold light source. Out, the vision is also more concentrated, in the interior building structure to maintain the original form, its gesture as old as possible without breaking, user-friendly maintenance and increase the service life of space.



在設計上由于空間結構過(guò)于硬朗,所以我們在空間內增加植物及一些軟化的材質(zhì)去豐富,是空間環(huán)境在感受上更加平衡一些,在超級有限的資金投入的基礎上做出應有的設計表達,實(shí)際情況來(lái)看基本做到了設計引導項目前提,加以商業(yè)推廣的大力加持,相信這種投入少且能快速復制的酒吧形態(tài)會(huì )是未來(lái)這個(gè)行業(yè)一種全新模式。

In design, because the space structure is too rigid, we add plants and some softened materials to enrich the space, which is more balanced in the sense of space environment, and make the design expression on the basis of super limited investment. In fact, it basically achieves the premise of design guidance project. With the strong support of commercial promotion, I believe that this kind of bars with less investment and rapid replication will be a brand-new mode of the industry in the future.



Zhongshan Road, Oufeng Street, a century-old street full of night, is full of fantasy, seeking the freshness and comfort of jumping out of time and space in a world. Right here, the world of LUV.



Many modern young people love this place, its passion, enthusiasm, burning and blurring are red condensation; such a theme runs through the whole space, is open and mobile.

Geometric design elements, large areas of hollow and circular fit, rich green planting into the dark red among the calm embellishment, is the most fresh style.



The area of the bar is a collision between the visual center and the alternative. Wine is displayed in the cold shade, reflecting the tenderness and rigor of the night. It also gives people quiet waiting and comfort.

The striking "V" logo is a magnified stroke, the name of the house, and also enlightens the quiet atmosphere.



The interior architecture and design follow the principle of respecting the original structure, using texture paint, sunshine board, cement and other materials to provide a sense of weight and protection.

At night, couples, friends and close relatives in twos and threes are sitting here. The lights and stage are not noisy. They have a good time of sitting and talking, which is worth killing and enjoying.


The design of the bar follows the light wind, and the investment is very cost-effective, so it is convenient to quickly withdraw funds. Better yet, this minimalist and modern fast-food bar offers more possibilities, which can serve as a model for maximizing the overlap of replications.




Oscar Wilde said, "Don't waste your golden age, don't listen to boring things, don't try to retain hopeless failures, don't dedicate your life to ignorance, mediocrity and vulgarity."

Let's dedicate the golden age to excellence.

Sitting on the youth, sitting in the beautiful night, sitting at the door of LUV.

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