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荊憶山3年前 (2021-09-15)問(wèn)答220

3DNow! 無(wú)等待的3D處理 3D no waiting

  AAA server 認證計費服務(wù)器 "a computer file server that provides authentication, authorization, and accounting security functions"

  AAM 不對稱(chēng)調幅 Asymmetrical Amplitude Modulation

  AARP AppleTalk地址解析協(xié)議 AppleTalk address resolution protocol

  AAS 自動(dòng)尋址系統 Automatic Addressing System

  abandonware 被棄軟件 a software no longer sold or supported

  ABCS 自動(dòng)廣播控制系統 Automatic Broadcast Control System

  ABEND 異常結束 "a portmanteau of ""abnormal end"""

  ABI 應用二進(jìn)制接口 Application Binary Interface

  abort 異常中止 "to abandon a computer program, command, or operation before it has finished"

  above-the-fold 一屏顯示的 relating to the portion of a webpage that can be seen without scrolling downward

  ABR 區域邊界路由器 Area Border Router

  ABR 可用比特率 Available Bit Rate

  ABRD 自動(dòng)波特率偵測 Automatic Baud Rate Detection

  ABS 應用網(wǎng)橋服務(wù)器 Application Bridge Server

  ACA 美國通信協(xié)會(huì ) American Communication Association

  accelerated graphics port 加速圖形接口 a computer interface that allows the display of three-dimensional graphics

  accelerator card 加速卡 a circuit board that adds a faster central processing unit to a computer

  access 存取 the operation of reading or writing information stored in a computer system

  access 訪(fǎng)問(wèn) "nvt, to retrieve a computer file or program"

  access 接入 "nvt, to connect to a communication system"

  access charge 接入費 a charge made for access to a communications system

  access code 接入碼 "a sequence of letters or numbers that have to be keyed in to allow somebody access to a restricted area, e.g. a computerized network"

  access control 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)控制 the restriction of entry to a computer system to particular users

  access fee 入網(wǎng)費 System access fee is a highly controversial surcharge imposed by most Canadian telephone companies on their customers' monthly bills

  access number 接入號碼 the telephone number used to link to an Internet service provider or other network provider using a dial-up connection

  access point 接入點(diǎn) a transceiver in a wireless local area network that connects a wired local area network to wireless devices or that connects wireless devices to each other

  access profile 存取設定檔 "the details identifying a computer user held on a computer, specifying the name and password and the areas of a computer system the user is authorized to access"

  access time 存取時(shí)間 the time a computer takes to locate and retrieve data

  accessibility 可達性 用戶(hù)可訪(fǎng)問(wèn)數據庫和所有授權訪(fǎng)問(wèn)的數據的特性

  accessibility 可訪(fǎng)問(wèn)性 不如“可達性”常用

  accessible 可存取的 (of a device) able to be accessed

  accessor 存取元 a unit of access

  accountability 可審核性 "in computer security, the quality that enables violations or attempted violations of ADP system security to be traced to individuals who may then be held responsible"

  accounting 計費 the process of recording recent transactions and the resulting balance

  accumulator 累加器 a register in a computer or calculator used for holding the results of a computation or data transfer

  ACDI 異步通訊設備接口 Asynchronous Communication Device Interface

  Acer 宏基 the world's top five branded PC vendors

  ACK 應答 short for acknowledgement

  acknowledgement 應答 a letter or message sent to say that something has been received

  ACL 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)控制列表 Access Control List

  ACO 警告切除 Alarm Cut-Off

  ACPI 高級配置和電源管理 advanced configuration and power management

  ACR 衰減串擾比 attenuation crosstalk ratio

  ACR 高級通訊升級卡 Advanced Communication Riser

  action game 動(dòng)作游戲 "a computer game that simulates exciting or violent action, especially shooting"

  activation 激活 the representation of a procedure created by the invocation of that procedure

  active 活動(dòng)的 describes the part of a computer screen or window that is currently in use or ready to accept input from the user

  active cell 活動(dòng)單元格 a spreadsheet cell in which values or formulas may be entered

  active network 主動(dòng)網(wǎng)絡(luò ) a network that allows packets flowing through a telecommunications network to dynamically modify the operation of the network

  active server page 動(dòng)態(tài)服務(wù)端網(wǎng)頁(yè) a page in HyperText Markup Language with scripts that are processed on a server before being sent to a user

  active-matrix display 有源矩陣顯示器 a flat liquid-crystal display with high color resolution that is particularly suitable for use in laptop and notebook computers

  activity 活動(dòng)率 the percentage of records in a file that are processed in a run

  ACW 存取控制字 Access Control Word

  ad hoc network 自組網(wǎng) "a local area network or other small network, especially one with wireless or temporary plug-in connections"

  adapter 適配器 a device for connecting two nonmatching parts

  adapter strip 適配板 a panel for adapting to various connectors

  adaptive 自適應的 able to be adjusted for different conditions

  adaptivity 自適應性 the quality of being adaptive

  ADC 模數轉換器 analog-to-digital converter

  ADCCP 高級數據通信控制協(xié)議 Advanced Data Communication Control Protocol

  adder 加法器 a device whose output data are a representation of the sum of the numbers represented by its input data

  adder subtracter 加減器 a device that acts as an adder or subtracter depending upon the control signal received

  add-in 附加裝置 不如“add-on”常用

  addition with carry 進(jìn)位加 How to write a pattern for addition with carry operation?

  add-on 附加裝置 a piece of computer equipment added to another to expand its capabilities

  addressability 可尋址性 the number of addressable points within a specified display space or image space

  addressable 可尋址的 capable of being addressed

  addressing 尋址 the locating of a memory address

  ADF 適配器描述文件 Adapter Description File

  ADL 架構描述語(yǔ)言 Architecture Description Language

  ADM 分插復用器 Add/Drop Multiplexer

  ADM 自適應增量調制 adaptive delta modulation

  administrator 管理員 system administrator

  ADP 自動(dòng)數據處理 Automatic Data Processing

  ADPCM 自適應差分脈碼調制 Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation

  ADSL 不對稱(chēng)數字用戶(hù)線(xiàn) asymmetric digital subscriber line

  ADU 自動(dòng)撥號裝置 automatic dialing unit

  adware 廣告軟件 a type of computer software that collects information about a user's browsing patterns in order to display relevant advertisements in his or her web browser

  aerial cable 架空電纜 a communications cable to be suspended from poles or other overhead structures

  aerogram 無(wú)線(xiàn)電報 不如“radiotelegram”常用

  AES 高級加密標準 Advanced Encryption Standard

  AFC 自動(dòng)頻率控制 automatic frequency control

  AFEC 自動(dòng)頻率微調 automatic frequency fine control

  AFI 權限和格式標識符 Authority and Format Identifier

  AGC 自動(dòng)增益控制 automatic gain control

  AGP 加速圖形接口 accelerated graphics port

  AH 認證頭 Authentication Header

  AHA 加速中心架構 accelerated hub architecture

  AI 人工智能 artificial intelligence

  AIDC 自動(dòng)識別和數據獲取 Automatic Identification and Data Capture

  AIR 附加增長(cháng)率 Additive Increase Rate

  AIRF 加性增長(cháng)率因素 Additive Increase Rate Factor

  AKE 擴充密鑰交換 Augmented Key Exchange

  Alcatel 阿爾卡特 法國公司

  ALG 應用級網(wǎng)關(guān) Application Level Gateway

  algorithm 算法 a logical arithmetical or computational procedure that if correctly applied ensures the solution of a problem

  algorithm theory 算法論 proper introduction of the concept of design principle and its relation to algorithm model

  algorithmization 算法化 the process of algorithmizing

  alias 假頻 a false signal in telecommunication links from beats between signal frequency and sampling frequency

  alias 別名 an alternate name or label used to refer to the same element or a point in a program

  align 對齊 "It is important for fingerprint verification to select robust characters as fingerprint reference points, then align two fingerprints"

  alignment 對齊 arrangement of sth. in a straight line or in an orderly position in relation to sth. else

  allocation 分配 the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to data or instructions

  alpeth 鋁聚乙烯 "a portmanteau of ""aluminum polyethylene"""

  alphamosic graphics 字母鑲嵌圖形 視頻信息的圖形產(chǎn)生方式之一,它是把整個(gè)屏幕劃分為24 列,每列再分40 塊區域,每個(gè)區域內不是點(diǎn)陣式的字符就是特殊圖形符號

  alphanumeric 字母數字的 using both letters and numbers

  ALTQ 交錯隊列 ALTernate Queue

  ALU 算術(shù)邏輯單元 arithmetic logic unit

  aluminum-clad copper wire 鋁包銅線(xiàn) a copper wire cladded with aluminum

  AM 調幅 amplitude modulation

  AMBA 高級微控制器總線(xiàn)架構 Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture

  ambient noise 環(huán)境噪聲 the level of the total noise in an area

  ambiguity function 模糊函數 "in radar signal processing, a two-dimensional function of time delay and Doppler frequency χ(τ,f) showing the distortion of a returned pulse due to the receiver matched filter"

  amplidyne 交磁放大機 an AC motor driving a DC generator with modifications to increase the power gain available

  amplifier 放大器 an electronic device used to increase the strength of the signal fed into it

  AMSP 多業(yè)務(wù)接入平臺 access multiservice platform

  analog 模擬的 relating to a system or device that represents data variation by measurable physical quality

  analog signal 模擬信號 a signal that has a continuous nature rather than a pulsed or discrete nature

  analogue 模擬的 relating to a system or device that represents data variation by measurable physical quality

  analyst 分析員 a person who defines problems and develops algorithms and procedures for their solution

  AND gate 與門(mén) a logic gate that simulates the function of the logical operator AND

  ANDF 架構中立分發(fā)格式 Architecture Neutral Distribution Format

  animation 動(dòng)畫(huà)制作 "the production of moving images by computer techniques, or the image produced"

  anisochronous 非等步的 time interval separating any two transitions is not necessarily related to that separating any other two transitions

  ANN 類(lèi)神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò ) artificial neural network

  anneal 韌煉 拉制成的單線(xiàn)應按工藝規范進(jìn)行韌煉處理,以消除材料的冷作硬化,保證其抗彎曲、抗撓曲能力

  annealing 韌煉 拉制成的單線(xiàn)應按工藝規范進(jìn)行韌煉處理,以消除材料的冷作硬化,保證其抗彎曲、抗撓曲能力

  annuciator 信號器 "a visual or audible signaling device, operated by relays, which indicates conditions of associated circuits"

  answer 應答 "to respond to an incoming telephone call by placing a telephone in the ""off hook"" state"

  anti-aliasing 抗鋸齒 the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution signal at a lower resolution

  anti-static floor 防靜電地板 a type of floor designed to reduce any possible static build up in the floor

  antivirus 防病毒的 of or relating to software designed to prevent viruses entering a computer system or network

  anycast 任播 act of sending data across a computer network from a single user to the nearest receiver

  AOR 與或 "a portmanteau of ""AND OR"""

  APC 自動(dòng)功率控制 automatic power control

  API 應用編程接口 application programming interface

  app 應用程序 short for application

  APPC 高級程序間通信 Advanced Program-to-Program Communications

  applet 小應用程序 a computer program that runs within a page on the World Wide Web

  application 應用程序 computer program or piece of software designed to perform a specific task

  application service provider 應用服務(wù)提供商 "a company that provides one or more program functions such as accounting on behalf of an enterprise, freeing it to concentrate on its primary business"

  APPN 高級對等聯(lián)網(wǎng) Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking

  APR 自動(dòng)分組識別 Automated Packet Recognition

  APS 應用保護系統 Application Protection System

  APSK 絕對相移鍵控 absolute phase shift keying

  aptent 應用和內容 "a portmanteau of ""application and content"""

  AR 增強實(shí)境 augmented reality

  arborescent 樹(shù)狀的 resembling a tree in form

  ARC 防反射層 anti-reflect coating

  Archie 檔案數據庫 an Internet database used to search for files and programs that can be downloaded using FTP

  architect 架構師 the developer of the structure of a computer system or program

  architecture 架構 不如“體系結構”常用

  architecture 體系結構 "the design, structure, and behavior of a computer system, microprocessor, or system program, including the characteristics of individual components and how they interact"

  architecture 結構 “體系結構”的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)

  archiving 歸檔 "keeping (records, papers, etc) in archives"

  ARDS 高級遠程顯示系統 Advanced Remote Display System

  area code 區號 the code of an area for communications

  ARFCN 絕對射頻信道號 absolute RF channel number

  argument 參數 a value that modifies how a command or function operates in a computer program

  arithmetic logic unit 算術(shù)邏輯單元 the circuit in a computer's central processing unit that makes decisions based on the results of calculations

  arithmometer 四則運算器 a mechanical calculator that could add and subtract directly and could perform long multiplications and divisions

  ARM 異步響應模式 Asynchronous Response Mode

  armor 鎧裝 something that gives protection

  armored 鎧裝的 protected with armor outside

  armour 鎧裝 a metal protective covering of a cable etc

  ARP 地址解析協(xié)議 address resolution protocol

  ARPAnet 阿帕網(wǎng) "a wide area computer network of the late 1960s linking U.S. government, academic, business, and military sites"

  ARQ 接入請求 Admission ReQuest

  ARQ 自動(dòng)重傳請求 Automatic Repeat reQuest

  array 數組 an arrangement of items of computerized data in tabular form for easy reference

  array 陣 a group of antennas arranged to increase their effectiveness

  arrow key 方向鍵 "one of four computer keys marked with an up, down, left, or right arrow"

  artificial intelligence 人工智能 the ability of computers to perform functions that normally require human intelligence

  artificial life 人工生命 the use of computer systems to embody and simulate aspects of natural human behavior such as learning and reproduction

  artificial neural network 人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò ) an information processing system with interconnected components analogous to neurons

  AS 自治系統 Autonomous System

  ASA 適應性安全算法 Adaptive Security Algorithm

  ASBR 自治系統邊界路由器 Autonomous System Boundary Router

  ascending order 升序 an order arranged from the smallest to largest

  ASCII 美國信息交換標準碼 American Standard Code for Information Interchange

  ASE 應用服務(wù)單元 Application Service Element

  ASI 異步串行接口 Asynchronous Serial Interface

  ASK 振幅鍵控 amplitude shift keying

  ASP 應用服務(wù)提供商 application service provider

  ASP 動(dòng)態(tài)服務(wù)端網(wǎng)頁(yè) active server page

  ASPI 高級SCSI編程接口 Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

  assemble 匯編 to translate a program expressed in an assembly language into a machine language and perhaps to link subroutines

  assembler 匯編程序 a computer program that converts assembly language into machine language

  assembly 匯編 a process of utilizing an assembler to produce a machine-language program

  assembly language 匯編語(yǔ)言 a low-level language for programming computers

  assembly screen 繞包屏蔽 wrapped screen

  assign 賦值 to designate a value for a computer memory location corresponding to a named variable

  assignment 賦值 designation of a value for a computer memory location corresponding to a named variable

  assignment 分配 "the act of assigning a port number, etc"

  associative array 關(guān)聯(lián)數組 "an abstract data type composed of a collection of unique keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value"

  associative memory 聯(lián)想存儲器 a type of computer memory in which stored information is accessed by content rather than memory address

  AST 自動(dòng)生成樹(shù) Automatic Spanning Tree

  ATA 高級技術(shù)附件 Advanced Technology Attachment

  ATAPI ATA數據包接口 ATA Packet Interface

  ATG 地址轉換網(wǎng)關(guān) Address Translation Gateway

  Athlon 速龍 AMD公司的CPU品牌

  ATL 活動(dòng)模板庫 active template library

  ATLAS 高級事務(wù)查詢(xún)和信令 Advanced Transaction Look-up and Signaling

  ATM 異步傳輸模式 asynchronous transmission mode

  atmospherics 天電 the static on a radio or flickering white spots snow on a television screen caused by electromagnetic radiation from natural sources in the atmosphere

  atmospherics 天電干擾 the electrical disturbances produced in the atmosphere by natural causes such as lightning

  attach 附接 to append or fasten one thing to another

  attachment 附件 a document or file attached to another or to an e-mail message

  attention line 注意線(xiàn) a circuit from a peripheral device to a computer or peripheral controller on which signals are sent indicating change of status of the device

  attenuate 衰減 to become weaker in strength or magnitude

  attenuated 衰減的 (of an electrical signal) reduced in amplitude with little or no distortion

  attenuation 衰減 "the loss of energy suffered by radiation as it passes through matter, esp as a result of absorption or scattering"

  attenuator 衰減器 any device to reduce the power of a wave or electrical signal without distorting it

  attribute 屬性 a property or characteristic of an entity

  attributive 屬性的 of or relating to an attribute

  AU 接入單元 Access Unit

  AUC 認證中心 Authentication Center

  audio clip 音頻剪輯 "an extract from a longer sound recording, e.g. from a movie soundtrack, that can be listened to on a personal computer"

  audio track 音軌 sound track that accompanies editable video

  audiochannel 音頻信道 a communication channel sending audio signals

  AUI 附接單元接口 Attachment Unit Interface

  AUSTEL 澳大利亞電信局 Australian Telecommunications Authority

  authenticate 認證 to establish that something is genuine or that an account is true

  authentication 認證 a security measure using data encryption that identifies the user and verifies that the message was not tampered with

  authentication key 認證密鑰 a key used by buyers and sellers in electronic transactions to check each other's identity

  authentification 認證 the process of verifying the digital identity

  authoring 創(chuàng )作 "the creation of computer applications such as multimedia documents, usually done by nonprogrammers using special software"

  authoring language 創(chuàng )作語(yǔ)言 a software that can be used to develop interactive computer programs without the technically demanding task of computer programming

  authorization 授權 "the granting to a user, a program or a process the right of an access"

  autodial 自動(dòng)撥號器 a device that automatically dials a prerecorded number in response to an input signal such as pressing a button

  autodyne 自差的 denoting or relating to an electrical circuit in which the same elements and valves are used as oscillator and detector

  automatic frequency control 自動(dòng)頻率控制 a control in a radio or television receiver that keeps it tuned to a signal in spite of minor variations in the signal's frequency

  automatic gain control 自動(dòng)增益控制 "a radio receiver control system by which the amplifier is adjusted to compensate for variations in the volume of the signal, so that the volume of the output is constant"

  autoresponder 自動(dòng)回復程序 an e-mail software that enables Internet users to indicate automatically that they are unavailable to respond to incoming e-mail

  autosave 自動(dòng)保存 a computer program feature in which data is saved automatically at predetermined intervals to minimize data loss in the event of a crash

  AUX 輔助設備 AUXiliary device

  auxiliary device 輔助設備 "a peripheral piece of computer hardware, e.g. a printer or scanner"

  availability 可用度 the degree to which a system or resource is ready when needed to process data

  avatar 化身 "in computer games, a character or persona of a player with a graphical representation"

  avatar 虛擬現實(shí)中的三維影像 a movable three-dimensional image used to represent somebody in cyberspace

  AVC 輔助電壓控制器 Auxiliary Voltage Controller

  AVI 音視頻交替 Audio Video Interleave

  AW 管理工作站 Administration Workstation

  AWG 美國線(xiàn)規 American Wire Gauge

  B2BUA 背靠背用戶(hù)代理 Back-to-Back User Agent

  B4N 暫時(shí)分開(kāi) Bye For Now

  babble 多路串擾 "in communications, the aggregate crosstalk from a number of interfering sources"

  back door 后門(mén) an opening deliberately left in a security system to allow access for technicians

  back end 后端 a software program that controls operations not specified by the user

  back up 備份 "to make a copy of a data file, esp for storage in another place for security"

  backbone 主干 "a large-capacity, high-speed central section by which other network segments are connected"

  backfire 背射 Theory of the Frequency Responses of Backfire Helical Antenna

  background 后臺的 in the low-priority environment in computers that can perform multiple tasks

  background noise 背景噪聲 noise that is sufficiently loud to be heard but not so loud as to obscure what is actually being listened to

  background processing 后臺處理 execution of computer tasks that continues while user is working with another application

  background radiation 本底輻射 "low-level radiation occurring naturally as a result of radioactivity present in the air, soil, and buildings and other structures"

  backhaul 回程 從信元站點(diǎn)向交換機傳送語(yǔ)音和數據流量的功能

  back-haul 迂回信程 將信號傳輸的比最終的目的地更遠并將信號再傳回的通訊路徑

  backoff 退避 當一個(gè)主機已經(jīng)在有MAC 協(xié)議的網(wǎng)絡(luò )中經(jīng)歷了一個(gè)沖突之后試圖去重發(fā)之前的等待時(shí)期

  backplane 背板 "a circuit board that connects several connectors in parallel to each other, so that each pin of each connector is linked to the same relative pin of all the other connectors"

  backslash 反斜杠 a keyboard character (\) with various uses in computing and computer programming

  backspace 退格 to move the cursor of a computer or the carriage of a typewriter back one or more spaces using the key designed for this purpose

  backtracking 回溯 "a refinement of the brute force approach, which systematically searches for a solution to a problem among all available options"

  backtwist 退絞 to twist in an opposite direction as was

  backup 備份 "a copy of computer data that is stored, e.g. a copy stored on a floppy disk"

  backward compatibility 后向兼容性 the ability of an older or smaller computer to accept programs from a newer or larger one

  BACP 帶寬分配控制協(xié)議 Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol

  BAIC 禁止所有呼入呼叫 barring of all incoming calls

  BAN 收費賬號 Billing Account Number

  band selector 波段選擇器 "a switch that selects any of the bands in which a receiver, signal generator, or transmitter is designed to operate"

  bandwidth 帶寬 a range of radio frequencies used in radio or telecommunications transmission and reception

  BAOC 禁止所有對外呼叫 barring of all outgoing calls

  BAP 帶寬分配協(xié)議 Bandwidth Allocation Protocol

  bar phone 直板手機 a cell phone in the shape of a bar

  base class 基類(lèi) the parent class of all derived classes

  base register 基址寄存器 a register used in an address which is the register value plus a displacement

  base station 基站 a signal relay station in communication

  base time 基準時(shí)間 a designed and precisely controlled function of time by which some particular process or exercise is controlled or measured

  baseband 基帶 a band of frequencies starting at zero

  baselining 基準測定 a method for analyzing computer network performance

  bastard size 非標準尺寸 nonstandard size in graphics

  bastion host 堡壘主機 a special purpose computer on a network specifically designed and configured to withstand attacks

  batch processing 批處理 a mode of computer operation in which programs are executed without the user being able to influence processing while it is in progress

  baud 波特 "a unit of data transmission speed, equal to one unit element per second"

  baud rate 波特率 a data transmission rate for modems

  BBS 電子公告板 bulletin board system

  BCD 二進(jìn)制編碼十進(jìn)制數 binary coded decimal

  BCP 橋接控制協(xié)議 Bridging Control Protocol

  BDCS 寬帶數字交叉連接系統 Broadband Digital Cross-connect System

  BDPSK 二相差分相移鍵控 binary different phase shift keying

  beacon 信標 "a frame sent by an adapter indicating a serious ring problem, such as a broken cable"

  beam aerial 定向天線(xiàn) a radio or television antenna designed to transmit or receive signals in or from a particular direction

  beam antenna 定向天線(xiàn) a radio or television antenna designed to transmit or receive signals in or from a particular direction

  beat 差拍 Beat and Random Sampling Techniques in High Speed Data Acquisition Systems

  beeper BB機 an electronic device that generates beeps when the person carrying it is being paged

  Bell 貝爾 a United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922)

  benchmark 基準 an industry standard or best practice

  bend radius 彎曲半徑 "the minimum radius one can bend a pipe, tube, sheet, cable or hose to without kinking it, damaging it, or shortening its life"

  bending radius 彎曲半徑 不如“bend radius”常用

  BER 誤碼率 bit error rate

  BER 基本編碼規則 Basic Encoding Rule

  BERT 誤碼率檢測器 Bit Error Rate Tester

  best-of-breed 單項優(yōu)勢的 "(a computer product) being the best available software, hardware, or system in its class"

  beta 公開(kāi)測試的 ready for testing by customers

  BFSK 二進(jìn)制頻移鍵控 binary frequency shift keying

  BGA 球柵陣列 Ball Grid Array

  BGMP 邊界網(wǎng)關(guān)組播協(xié)議 Border Gateway Multicast Protocol

  BGP 邊界網(wǎng)關(guān)協(xié)議 border gateway router

  BHT 分支預測表 branch prediction table

  BIA 燒制地址 Burned-In Address

  bias 偏置 A MOSFET Model with Substrate Bias for CAD

  bias current 偏置電流 "a current that is independent of output and is fed to a semiconductor or other electronic device, used to ensure the device functions with the desired characteristics"

  bias current 偏流 “偏置電流”的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)

  bias distortion 偏移失真 distortion affecting a binary modulation in which all the significant intervals corresponding to one of the two significant conditions have different durations

  bias distortion 偏置畸變 "distortion resulting from the operation on a nonlinear portion of the characteristic curve of a vacuum tube or other device, due to improper biasing"

  bias resistor 偏置電阻 a resistor used in the cathode or grid circuit of an electron tube to provide a voltage drop that serves as the bias

  billibit 千兆位 one billion bits

  billing 計費 the process of generating bills

  binary 二進(jìn)制的 of or relating to a system of numeration having 2 as its base

  binary code 二進(jìn)制碼 "a code that makes use of exactly two distinct characters, usually 0 and 1"

  binary system 二進(jìn)制 "a number system with 2 as its base, numbers being expressed as sequences of 0 and 1"

  binary tree 二叉樹(shù) a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children

  binding 捆綁 在數據通信中,將兩個(gè)或多個(gè)實(shí)體強制性關(guān)聯(lián)在一起的技術(shù),例如:地址和端口捆綁

  binding 綁定 the act of assigning absolute addresses to a program

  binding 聯(lián)編 不如“綁定”常用

  biochip 生物芯片 a semiconductor chip that uses organic molecules to store and process information

  biocomputer 生物計算機 a very fast computer whose calculations are performed using biological processes instead of semiconductor technology

  biometrics 生物特征識別 "the measurement of physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, retinal patterns, or DNA, for verifying the identity of individuals"

  BIOS 基本輸入輸出系統 Basic Input Output System

  bipartite graph 二分圖 "a linear graph in which the nodes can be partitioned into two groups G1 and G2 such that for every arc (i,j) node i is in G1 and node j in G2"

  biquadratic 雙二次的 Biquadratic Realization of Active RC Current-Mode Filters Using Single CCCS

  Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰線(xiàn)規 a numerical system for specifying the diameter of metal wire

  BISDN 寬帶綜合業(yè)務(wù)數字網(wǎng) Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network

  bit 比特 "the smallest unit of information storable in a computer, expressed as 0 or 1"

  bit 位 "in binary notation, either of the digits 0 or 1 used to represent one of only two outcomes, e.g. on or off"

  bit bucket 位桶 the mythical pail at the end of a shift register that catches the overflow bits from an arithmetic operation

  bit line 位線(xiàn) "in coordinate-addressable memory, a conductor that connects to the same numbered storage cell of each location of a storage module"

  bit rate 比特率 "the number of bits that pass a given point in a telecommunication network in a given amount of time, usually a second"

  bit slice 位片 (of central processing units) able to be built up in sections to form complete central processing units with various word lengths

  bit string 位串 a set of consecutive binary digits representing data in coded form

  bitmap 位圖 "a picture created on a visual display unit where each pixel corresponds to one or more bits in memory, the number of bits per pixel determining the number of available colours"

  bitmapped font 位映射字體 a screen or printer font with characters formed as a pattern of pixels or dots

  bits per inch 位英寸 a measure of how densely information is packed on a storage medium

  bitstream 位流 "a series of bytes, typically of 8 bits each"

  bitwise 逐位的 bit by bit

  BJT 雙極結型晶體管 bipolar junction transistor

  black box 黑箱 "an electronic component whose constituents or circuitry are unknown or irrelevant, but whose function is understood"

  black matrix screen 超黑矩陣屏幕 熒光點(diǎn)之間涂有碳粉顆粒,比常規顯像管暗得多,抗外界光線(xiàn)干擾能力大大增強,可以顯著(zhù)改善圖象的對比度

  black-box testing 黑箱測試 testing without knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested

  blade server 刀片式服務(wù)器 不如“刀鋒服務(wù)器”常用

  blade server 刀鋒服務(wù)器 self-contained all-inclusive computer servers optimized to minimize physical space

  blanking 消隱 "in computer graphics, the suppression of the display of one or more display elements or display groups"

  blasting 過(guò)載失真 a distortion of sound caused by overloading certain components of a radio system

  bleeper 嗶嗶聲 "a small electronic message-receiving device, often with a small screen, that beeps, flashes, or vibrates to let the user know that somebody is trying to contact him or her"

  blind spot 靜區 an area within the normal range of a radio transmitter where reception is poor

  blink 閃爍 to transmit a message by making a light flash on and off

  blip 光點(diǎn) "a spot of light, often accompanied by a high-pitched sound, indicating the position of something on a screen"

  bloatware 臃腫軟件 "a software with many, often superfluous features that take up so much memory that the computer's performance is impaired (informal)"

  block 塊 "in computing, a set of contiguous data that performs some action as a unit"

  block encryption 分組加密 "the use of a block cipher, usually employing the data encryption standard (DES), in which each 64-bit block of data is enciphered or deciphered separately"

  blockette 子塊 "subdivision of a group of consecutive machine words transferred as a unit, particularly with reference to input and output"

  blocking 阻塞 internal congestion in a communication system that prevents the transmission of information

  blocking 分塊 the process of combining two or more records into one block

  blog 網(wǎng)志 short for weblog

  blog 網(wǎng)絡(luò )日志 short for weblog

  blogger 博客 "short for weblogger, who keeps a weblog, a diary on the Internet"

  blogosphere 博客圈 the World Wide Web environment in which bloggers communicate with each other

  blogware 博客軟件 computer software tools for creating a weblog

  BLSR 雙向線(xiàn)路切換環(huán) Bidirectional Line Switch Ring

  blue pages 藍頁(yè) a section of the telephone book that contains numbers of government agencies and departments

  Bluetooth 藍牙 "a trademark for a wireless technology that enables devices such as portable computers, cell phones, and portable handheld devices to connect to each other and to the Internet"

  blu-ray 藍光 刻錄技術(shù)

  blurring 模糊化 the process of making sth. indistinct

  BMC 超黑矩陣屏幕 black matrix screen

  BMP 突發(fā)模式協(xié)議 Burst Mode Protocol

  BNI 寬帶網(wǎng)絡(luò )接口 Broadband Network Interface

  BNN 邊界網(wǎng)絡(luò )節點(diǎn) Boundary Network Node

  board slot 板槽 a slot for an expanison board to be inserted

  BoB 單項優(yōu)勢的 best-of-breed

  BOF 文件開(kāi)始 beginning of file

  boilerplate 樣板 "in word processing, sections of standard text held as a library in memory for retrieval and use in documents"

  bond-out processor 外合處理器 a special version of a processor that has some of the internal signals brought out to external pins

  booster 放大器 a radio-frequency amplifier that amplifies weak television or radio signals and retransmits them so that they can be received by viewers or listeners

  boot 引導 "nvi, the process of starting or restarting a computer and loading the operating system"

  boot sector 引導扇區 a sector of a hard disk or other storage device that contains the necessary computer code to start the boot process

  BOOTP 引導協(xié)議 Bootstrap Protocol

  bootstrap 引導程序 a technique for loading the first few program instructions into a computer main store to enable the rest of the program to be introduced from an input device

  bot 傀儡程序 a computer program performing routine or time-consuming tasks such as searching Web sites automatically or semi-independently

  BOT 磁帶開(kāi)始標志 Beginning of Tape

  botnet 僵尸網(wǎng)絡(luò ) "a network of computers infected by a program that communicates with its creator in order to send unsolicited emails, attack websites, etc"

  boxing 裝箱 a way to wrap objects with primitive types over object types so that those can be used like objects

  BPDU 網(wǎng)橋協(xié)議數據單元 Bridge Protocol Data Unit

  BPON 寬頻被動(dòng)式光學(xué)網(wǎng)絡(luò ) Broadband Passive Optical Network

  BPS 比特每秒 Bits Per Second

  BPSK 二相相移鍵控 binary phase shift keying

  BPT 分支預測表 branch prediction table

  braid angle 編織角 the acute angle measured from the axis of the braid to the axis of the bias yarns

  braided 編織的 interwoven from three or more strands

  braided cable 編織電纜 a larger conductor with multiple strands of smaller wire braided together

  braided wire 編織線(xiàn) a tube of fine wires woven around a conductor or cable for shielding purposes or used alone in flattened form as a grounding strap

  braiding 編織 the process of twisting strands together

  branch prediction table 分支預測表 a list of records with the line number of the branch instruction and the line number of the instruction most recently jumped

  branching 分支 "a computer operation, similar to switching, where a selection is made between two or more possible courses of action depending upon some related fact or condition"

  BRAS 寬帶遠程接入服務(wù)器 Broadband Remote Access Server

  breadcrumb trail 導航條 a navigation tool that allows a user to see where the current page is in relation to the Web site's hierarchy

  break up 斷斷續續 "(of making a telephone call) to be inaudible at times, owing to variations in the signal"

  breakout box 中斷箱 a testing device for multiple-line cables that makes a connection to each line in order to check the transmission signal

  breakout cable 分支光纜 "a multifiber cable design in which individual fibers, usually tight-buffered, are surrounded by separate strength members and jackets, which are in turn enveloped by a common jacket"

  breakpoint 斷點(diǎn) a pause inserted into a computer program so that the registers and memory locations can be examined to correct a programming logic error

  brevity code 簡(jiǎn)碼 code which provides no security but which has as its sole purpose the shortening of messages rather than the concealment of their content

  BRI 基本速率接口 basic rate interface

  bridge 網(wǎng)橋 a telecommunications connection between two local area networks

  bridgeware 橋接件 components that bridge the gap between the worlds of computer programming and electronics

  bridging 橋接 connecting through a bridge

  bridle ring 吊線(xiàn)環(huán) e.g. bridle ring saddle

  bridle wire 絕緣跨接線(xiàn) used to extend the telephone circuit from aerial distribution cable terminals to building entrance protectors or network interface units

  broadband 寬帶 "nadj, a frequency band having a bandwidth greater than a voice-grade channel (4kHz)"

  broadcast 廣播 to make something known to a large number of people or devices

  broadcasting 廣播 the act of making something known to a large number of people or devices

  brochureware 小冊子軟件 "a computer software product that is promoted in advertisements, but is currently unavailable to buy (informal)"

  brouter 橋接路由器 "networking device that, according to how it is configured, works as a bridge for some data and, simultaneously, as a router for others"

  brownout 暫時(shí)性網(wǎng)速變慢 a temporary slowing down of the workings of the internet caused when too many users attempt to access it at the same time

  browser 瀏覽器 a piece of computer software used to search for information on the World Wide Web

  browsing 瀏覽 "viewing files in a computer database or on the Internet, especially on the World Wide Web"

  BRP 業(yè)務(wù)恢復計劃 business resumption plan

  brute force programming 強力程序設計 programming taking advantage of processing capability of a computer whereas other mathematical algorithms obtain the results more quickly

  BS 基站 base station

  BSA 商業(yè)軟件聯(lián)盟 Business Software Alliance

  BSC 基站控制器 base station controller

  BSIC 基站識別碼 base station identity code

  BSP 主板支持包 board support package

  BST 二元搜尋樹(shù) binary search tree

  BT 英國電信 British Telecom

  BTS 基站收發(fā)臺 base transceiver station

  bubble memory 磁泡存儲器 a type of computer memory in which data is stored as binary digits represented by the presence or absence of minute areas of magnetization in a semiconductor

  bubble-jet printer 噴泡打印機 a printer in which heated ink forms bubbles that burst onto the paper

  buddy system 伙伴系統 a memory allocation strategy which recursively divides allocatable blocks of memory into pairs of adjacent equal-sized blocks

  buffer 緩沖區 a temporary storage area for data being transmitted between two devices that function at different speeds

  buffer thrashing 緩沖區顛簸 the frequently-repeated allocation and freeing of secondary data buffers

  buffering 緩沖 the process of using a buffer

  bug 錯誤 an error in a computer program (informal)

  bug 竊聽(tīng)器 "a concealed electronic device, usually a small microphone, that is used for listening to or recording private conversations (informal)"

  build 連編 a stage in the development of software in which two or more independently developed software components are linked so that they can be tested in conjunction with one another

  bulk cable 大容量電纜 a cable capable of transmitting a large volume of signal at the same moment

  bulk mail 批量郵件 quantities of mail prepared for mailing at reduced postage rates

  BUM 積層多層印制板 build-up mulitlayer printed board

  bunch-stranded 束絞的 stranded with bunches

  bundled 捆綁的 "available from a manufacturer or supplier only as part of a package (say, of a new computer) and cannot be purchased separately"

  bundleware 捆綁軟件 any software that includes other software with the installation

  burner 刻錄機 a drive that writes write-once optical discs such as CD-Rs and DVD-Rs

  burst 突發(fā) occurrence in short uneven spurts

  bursty 突發(fā)的 "moving, transferred, or transmitted in short uneven spurts"

  bus 總線(xiàn) "a channel or path for transferring computer data, especially between the central processing unit and a peripheral device"

  bus mastering 總線(xiàn)主控 a feature supported by many bus architectures that enables a device connected to the bus to initiate transactions

  bus mouse 總線(xiàn)鼠標 a mouse attached to a computer bus using a special card or port

  bus network 總線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò ) a computer network in which all nodes are connected to a single bus

  Business Travel Card 商旅卡 中國聯(lián)通的一種話(huà)費卡

  busy signal 占線(xiàn)信號 a repeating burst of sound on a telephone line that indicates the line is in use

  busy tone 忙音 a repeating burst of sound on a telephone line that indicates the line is in use

  butt wrap 對接繞包 tape wrapped around an object in an edge-to-edge condition

  button bar 按鈕欄 a row of buttons on a computer screen that are clicked to perform frequently used functions

  BWG 伯明翰線(xiàn)規 Birmingham Wire Gauge

  byte 字節 a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data) processed as a single unit of information

  bytecode 字節碼 the compiled code that compilers for Java and C# produce

  C/I 載干比 carrier-to-interference ratio

  C2C 消費者對消費者 Consumer to Consumer

  CAAD 計算機輔助建筑設計 Computer Aided Architectural Design

  cabinet 機柜 a framework holding computer servers

  cable 越洋電報 "a telegram originally sent by underseas cable, now usually by telephone, radio, or satellite"

  cable address 電報掛號 I don't know the cable address of Shanghai

  cable cleat 電纜夾具 "a device which, when installed along the length of cables, secures and restrains them"

  cable compound 電纜膏 a material used to prevent the ingress of moisture into telecommunication and power transmission cables

  cable distribution box 電纜分線(xiàn)盒 a box used to splice the distribution cables of cable network and subscriber's branch lines

  cable gland 電纜填料函 裝在電纜端口與防爆電器連接處,起密封和隔爆作用

  cable modem 線(xiàn)纜調制解調器 不如“電纜調制解調器”常用

  cable modem 電纜調制解調器 a high-speed modem enabling a computer to connect to the Internet via a cable TV network

  cable run 走線(xiàn) a route taken by the cable

  cable tie 扎線(xiàn)帶 "a type of fastener, especially for binding several electronic cables or wires together, and to organize cables and wires"

  cablegram 海底電報 a telegram sent by underseas cable

  cabling 成纜 e.g. cabling machine

  cabling 布線(xiàn) of a communication system

  cabling 電纜 cables collectively

  cab-tire cable 軟管電纜 a flexible cable having a heavy rubber or neoprene outer sheathing

  cabtyre 橡套 e.g. cabtyre cable

  cache 高速緩存 an area of high-speed computer memory for temporary storage of frequently used data

  cache memory 高速緩沖存儲器 "an extremely high-speed buffer memory device, even faster than random access memory (RAM) and usually used to speed up the flow of data from RAM to the central processing unit"

  caching 緩存 the act of storing in a cache temporarily

  CAD 計算機輔助設計 computer-aided design

  CADD 計算機輔助設計和制圖 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting

  CAE 計算機輔助工程 computer-aided engineering

  CAID 計算機輔助工業(yè)設計 computer-aided industrial design

  call 呼叫 在通信中用戶(hù)要求接續并得到響應

  call 調用 "the action of bringing a computer program into effect, usually by specifying the entry conditions and jumping to an entry point"

  call box 電話(huà)亭 不如“telephone booth”常用

  call center 呼叫中心 a place that handles high-volume incoming phone calls on behalf of a large organization

  call forwarding 呼叫轉移 a service available in some switching systems where calls can be rerouted automatically from one line to another or to an attendant

  call in 調入 "to transfer control of a computer temporarily from a main routine to a subroutine, which is inserted in the sequence of calculating operations to fulfill a subsidiary purpose"

  call letters 呼號 a group of letters used for identification by a radio transmitting station

  call up 調出 to instruct a computer to find and display a particular piece of information

  call waiting 呼叫等待 a service offered by a telephone company that allows somebody to answer an additional incoming call without disconnecting from the current call

  caller 呼叫者 somebody who makes a telephone call

  caller ID 來(lái)電顯示 a small display that will show you the telephone number of the party calling you

  calling 呼叫 a process of transmitting selection signal to establish a connection between data stations

  calling card 電話(huà)卡 不如“phonecard”常用

  CAM 計算機輔助制造 computer-aided manufacturing

  CAM 無(wú)載波調幅 Carrierless Amplitude Modulation

  CAMA 計算機輔助群體評估 Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal

  cambridge ring 劍橋環(huán) experimental local area network architecture developed at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory in the mid-late 1970s

  CAN 校園網(wǎng) Campus Area Network

  cancalbot 取消程序 a computer program that cancels unwanted articles sent to an Internet newsgroup by a specific user

  canned 按標準設計的 describes a website or its features that are designed according to a standard template rather than to one's personal specifications

  capacity 容量 the amount of data that can be stored by a computer device

  caps lock 大寫(xiě)鎖定鍵 "a key on a computer keyboard or typewriter that, if pressed once, causes all subsequent letters to be typed as capital letters"

  capture 采集 "nvt, to record and store data in the memory of a computer or as a computer file"

  CAR 承諾訪(fǎng)問(wèn)速率 Committed Access Rate

  car phone 車(chē)載電話(huà) a mobile phone designed for use in a car

  card 卡 a printed circuit board adding features or capability to a computer

  card reader 讀卡器 a device used for communication with a smart card or a flash memory card

  card slot 卡槽 a slot for an expanison card to be inserted

  cardphone 磁卡電話(huà) a pay phone operated by a phonecard

  careware 愛(ài)心軟件 a software that is made available to users in exchange for a donation to charity

  carriage return 回車(chē) the control character in Baudot code on a teletypewriter for end of line return to beginning of line

  carrier 載波 "short for ""carrier wave"""

  carrier 通信公司 "a telephone, television, or radio company"

  carrier channel 載波通道 the equipment and lines that make up a complete carrier-current circuit between two or more points

  carrier frequency 載頻 “載波頻率”的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)

  carrier frequency 載波頻率 the frequency of a carrier wave

  carrier wave 載波 an electromagnetic wave that is modulated to carry a signal for transmission

  carrier-to-interference ratio 載干比 the ratio of the power in the carrier to the power of the interference signal

  carrier-to-noise ratio 載噪比 a ratio between the average received modulated carrier power and the average received noise power after the receiver filters

  carry 進(jìn)位 Cyclic Carry Control of Proportional Variable Structure System with Bilinear

  carry flip-flop 進(jìn)位觸發(fā)器 This signal is used to set the carry flip-flop

  cartridge 墨盒 "a container for liquid or powder that is loaded into a device, e.g. a removable ink container for a pen or printer"

  CAS 列地址選通脈沖 column address strobe

  cascade carry 逐位進(jìn)位 a step-by-step carry

  cascading 級聯(lián) the act of connecting a series of devices in different cascades

  cascading menu 級聯(lián)菜單 a menu in a computer program that opens when a choice is selected from another menu

  cascading style sheet 層疊樣式單 a simple mechanism for adding style and layout to HTML or XHTML documents

  CASE 計算機輔助軟件工程 computer-aided software engineering

  casting 類(lèi)型轉換 the conversion of one data type into another

  catena 串 a series of items linked in a chained list

  catenate 串接 to arrange a collection of items in a chained list or catena

  CBDS 無(wú)連接寬帶數據業(yè)務(wù) Connectionless Broadband Data Service

  CBR 恒定比特率 Constant Bit Rate

  CCITT 國際電報電話(huà)咨詢(xún)委員會(huì ) Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone

  CCL 覆銅箔層壓板 copper-clad laminate

  CCP 壓縮控制協(xié)議 Compression Control Protocol

  CCS 公共信道信令 Common Channel Signaling

  CCT 導通檢測收發(fā)器 Continuity Check Transceiver

  CDB 呼叫細節塊 Call Detail Block

  CDDI 銅纜分布式數據接口 Copper Distributed Data Interface

  CDDL 公共開(kāi)發(fā)和分發(fā)許可證 Common Development and Distribution License

  CDE 呼叫細節元素 Call Detail Element

  CDMA 碼分多址 code division multiple access

  CDP 思科發(fā)現協(xié)議 Cisco Discovery Protocol

  CDR 呼叫細節記錄 Call Detail Record

  CD-ROM 只讀光盤(pán) compact disk - read only memory

  CD-RW 可重寫(xiě)光盤(pán) compact disk - rewritable

  CDV 信元時(shí)延抖動(dòng) Cell Delay Variation

  CDVT 信元時(shí)延抖動(dòng)容限 Cell Delay Variation Tolerance

  cel 賽爾 a transparent sheet of celluloid drawn on to produce a single frame of an animated cartoon

  Celeron 賽揚 Intel出產(chǎn)的一款處理器的名稱(chēng)

  cell 小區 the area covered by one of the transmitters in a mobile telephone system

  cell 信元 在異步傳輸模式(ATM)系統中,一個(gè)信元由53個(gè)字節(5個(gè)字節的信頭和48個(gè)字節的信息段)組成

  cell 單元格 the smallest unit of a spreadsheet

  cell echo 單體回波 The single cell echo was nearly stationary and the band echo reached the single cell

  cell phone 手機 a portable telephone operated through a cellular radio network

  cellular 蜂窩的 "organized as a system of cells, especially for radio communication"

  cellular phone 手機 不如“cell phone”常用

  cellular radio 蜂窩無(wú)線(xiàn)電 "a type of radio communication used for mobile phones that consists of a network of transmitters, each covering a small area"

  cellular telephone 蜂窩電話(huà) a portable telephone operated through a cellular radio network

  CELP 代碼激勵線(xiàn)性預測 Code Excited Linear Prediction

  censorware 審查軟件 用于因特網(wǎng)內容阻擋和因特網(wǎng)過(guò)濾的軟件

  central processing unit 中央處理器 the part of a computer that performs operations and executes software commands

  centralization 集中化 the process of centralizing

  centralized 集中的 controlled by a central device

  centrex 中央交換機 "a portmanteau of ""central exchanger"""

  Centrino 迅馳 英特爾公司為筆記本電腦專(zhuān)門(mén)設計開(kāi)發(fā)的一種芯片組

  CER 信元錯誤率 Cell Error Ratio

  CERT 計算機應急小組 computer emergency response team

  certificate 證書(shū) "an electronic document verifying somebody's relationship, identity, and responsibilities in financial transactions (used in e-commerce)"

  certificate revocation list 證書(shū)撤銷(xiāo)列表 a list of digital certificates revoked before their expiry dates by a certificate authority

  CES 電路仿真業(yè)務(wù) Circuit Emulation Service

  CFG 控制流圖 control flow graph

  CFNR 無(wú)應答呼叫前轉 Call Forward No Reply

  CFU 無(wú)條件呼叫前轉 Call Forward Unconditional

  CGI 通用網(wǎng)關(guān)接口 common gateway interface

  channel 信道 a part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink

  channelized 信道化的 having been divided into channels

  channelizing 通道化 the process of subdividing a wide-band transmission facility so as to handle a number of different circuits requiring comparatively narrow bandwidths

  CHAP 挑戰握手認證協(xié)議 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

  character 字符 "a single letter, number, or symbol that can be displayed on a computer screen or printer and represents one byte of data"

  character recognition 字符識別 "a magnetic or optical process by which letters, numbers, or symbols are recognized and digitized by a computer"

  character set 字符集 a finite set of different characters upon which agreement has been reached and that is consiered complete for some purposes

  charactron 字符管 high-speed character display tube

  charmap 字符映射表 "a portmanteau of ""character map"""

  chassis 機箱 the mounting or supporting structure for the components of an electronic device

  chat 聊天 "nvi, to exchange messages in real time with other computer users"

  chat room 聊天室 a facility in a computer network where participants exchange messages in real time

  chatline 聊天熱線(xiàn) a telephone service allowing many people to phone the same number and have a conversation

  chatterbot 聊天機器人 a computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with human

  cheapernet 細纜網(wǎng)絡(luò ) "a colloquial term for thin-wire Ethernet (10base2) that uses RG58 coaxial cable instead of the full-spec ""Yellow Cable"""

  cheat code 作弊碼 "a method of accessing hidden functionality that allows players to cheat, e.g. by becoming invulnerable in a shoot-'em-up or by accessing hidden areas in an adventure game"

  check 校驗 "an examination or investigation of something, especially to verify its state or condition"

  check digit 校驗數位 a check key consisting of a single digit

  check mark 復選標記 "a symbol shaped like a ""V"" with a short left side and a long right side, used to indicate approval or preference"

  checkbox 復選框 a box for putting in a check sign

  checkpoint 檢查點(diǎn) "a place in a computer program at which a check is made, or at which a recording of data is made for restart purposes"

  checksum 校驗和 "a value transmitted with a data stream, derived from the other elements in the data stream and used to check for transmission errors in the data"

  China Mobile 中國移動(dòng) 中國規模最大的移動(dòng)通信運營(yíng)商

  China Telecom 中國電信 the largest fixed line service and 3rd largest mobile telecommunication provider in the People's Republic of China

  China Unicom 中國聯(lián)通 a telecommunications operator in the People's Republic of China

  chip 芯片 a die having been packaged

  chip jewelry 過(guò)時(shí)的計算機 a euphamism for old computers destined to be scrapped or turned into decorative ornaments

  chipset 芯片組 "a group of microchips designed to perform one or more related functions as a unit, e.g. to update a computer screen display"

  chirp 啁啾 脈沖傳輸時(shí)中心波長(cháng)發(fā)生偏移的現象

  churn 流失 the tendency of Internet and cell-phone subscribers to switch providers

  CI 小區身份 cell identity

  CIDF 通用入侵檢測框架 common instrusion detection framework

  CIDR 無(wú)類(lèi)別域間路由 Classless Inter-Domain Routing

  CIF 公共中間格式 Common Intermediate Format

  CIF 幀中信元 Cells in Frame

  cigarette wrap 縱包 a heat-sealed system that the sheathing was fabricated from a plastic tape 0.5 - 1mm thick

  CIM 公共信息模型 Common Information Model

  CIMS 計算器集成制造系統 computer integrated manufacturing system

  CIP 公共工業(yè)協(xié)議 Common Industrial Protocol

  cipher 密碼 a written code in which the letters of a text are replaced with others according to a system

  ciphertext 密文 "the text that has been encrypted for transmission, e.g. over the Internet"

  ciphony 密碼電話(huà)學(xué) a technique by which security is accomplished by converting speech into a series of on-off pulses and mixing these with the pulses supplied by a key generator

  CIR 承諾信息速率 Committed Information Rate

  CIR 載干比 carrier-to-interference ratio

  circular addressing 循環(huán)尋址 "an addressing mode where post-increments are done using modulo arithmetic, so that the pointer returns to the beginning address after it steps through the buffer"

  circular polarization 圓極化 a phenomenon observed in electromagnetic radiation in which the electric field vector has constant magnitude but rotates in a circle about the direction of wave propagation

  circulator 環(huán)行器 非互易的三端口微波鐵氧體器件,具有信號順序傳輸的特性,即從任一端口輸入的信號只能按給定順序依次傳輸到下一端口輸出

  CIS 接觸型影像傳感器 contact image sensor

  CISC 復雜指令集計算機 Complex Instruction Set Computer

  Cisco 思科 "an U.S. multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking and communications products and services"

  CISL 通用入侵規范語(yǔ)言 common instrusion specification language

  citizens band 民用波段 radio frequencies used by the general public to talk to one another over short distances

  CIX 商業(yè)因特網(wǎng)交換中心 commercial Internet exchange

  cladding 包層 a covering for optical fiber that reflects light back to the core and strengthens cable

  CLASS 自定義本地信令服務(wù) Custom Local Area Signaling Service

  class 類(lèi) an object that represents a collection of things sharing a common attribute

  class library 類(lèi)庫 a set of ready-made software routines (class definitions) that programmers use for writing object-oriented programs

  classifier 分類(lèi)器 a unit used for classification and discrimination in pattern recognition

  clause 子句 "in COBOL, a set of consecutive words whose purpose is to specify an attribute of an entry"

  CLDAP 單機輕量級目錄訪(fǎng)問(wèn)協(xié)議 Connectionless Lightweighted Directory Access Protocol

  clear text 明文 不如“plain text”常用

  cleat 夾具 a device of two hornlike prongs projecting horizontally in opposite directions from a central base for securing lines

  CLI 命令語(yǔ)言解釋器 Command Language Interpreter

  click 單擊 "nv, a single action of pressing and releasing a button on a computer mouse"

  clickable 可點(diǎn)擊的 describes an item on a computer screen that may be activated by clicking on it with mouse

  CLID 呼叫線(xiàn)路識別 Calling Line Identification

  clip art 剪貼畫(huà) "prepackaged artwork, available on software for use in documents produced on a computer"

  clipboard 剪貼板 a part of computer memory where cut or copied data are stored temporarily

  CLIR 主呼線(xiàn)識別限制 calling line identification restriction

  CLNS 無(wú)連接網(wǎng)絡(luò )服務(wù) Connectionless Network Service

  clock 時(shí)鐘 an electronic circuit that generates pulses at a constant rate in order to synchronize the internal operations in a computer

  clock speed 時(shí)鐘速度 "the speed of a microprocessor's internal clock that controls how fast a computer makes calculations, usually measured in MHz or GHz"

  closed armoring 疊蓋鎧裝 classical design rules lead to conservative and expensive multi-layer armoring

  closed shop 封閉式計算站 a computer facility in which most productive problem programming is performed by a group of programming specialists rather than by the problem or iginators

  cloud 云 an unpredictable or unidentifiable part of a network through which data passes

  CLP 信元丟失優(yōu)先權 Cell Loss Priority

  CLR 信元丟失率 Cell Loss Ratio

  CLR 公共語(yǔ)言運行庫 common language runtime

  cluster 集群 "a network of computers under the control of a larger, more powerful computer"

  CMAC 基于密文的消息認證碼 Cipher-based Message Authentication Code

  CMCU 通信模塊控制單元 Communication Module Control Unit

  CMIP 通用管理信息協(xié)議 Common Management Information Protocol

  CMIS 通用管理信息服務(wù) Common Management Information Service

  CMM 能力成熟度模型 Capability Maturity Model

  CMMI 能力成熟度模型集成 Capability Maturity Model Integration

  CMOS 互補金屬氧化物半導體 complementary metal oxide semiconductor

  CMRR 共模抑制比 common code rejection ratio

  CMS 配置管理系統 Configuration Management System

  CMS 呼叫管理系統 Call Management System

  CMTS 電纜調制解調器端接系統 Cable Modem Termination System

  CNM 客戶(hù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理 Customer Network Management

  CNP 無(wú)連接網(wǎng)絡(luò )協(xié)議 Connectionless Network Protocol

  CNR 通訊與網(wǎng)絡(luò )升級卡 Communication and Networking Riser

  CNR 載噪比 carrier-to-noise ratio

  coax 同軸電纜 “coaxial cable”的簡(jiǎn)寫(xiě)

  coaxial 同軸的 having or being mounted on a common axis

  coaxial cable 同軸電纜 "a cable consisting of an inner conductor, surrounded by a tubular insulating layer typically made from a flexible material with a high dielectric constant"

  COB 板上集成緩存 cache on board

  COCF 面向連接的會(huì )聚功能 Connection-Oriented Convergence Function

  COD 芯片集成緩存 cache on die

  code 代碼 "a system of symbols, numbers, or signals that conveys information to a computer"

  code word 碼字 a sequence of symbols assembled in accordance with the specific rules of the code and assigned a unique meaning

  codebook 碼書(shū) a book containing a key to a code or codes

  codebook 碼本 不如“碼書(shū)”常用

  codec 編碼解碼器 "a portmanteau of ""coder decoder"""

  codec 壓縮解壓縮 "a portmanteau of ""compression decompression"""

  coding 編碼 the act of writing in code or cipher

  COE 公共操作環(huán)境 common operating environment

  coherence 一致性 the logical and orderly and consistent relation of various parts

  cohesion 內聚性 the degree to which the tasks performed by a single program module are functionally related

  cold start 冷起動(dòng) "to start running a computer program from the very beginning, without being able to continue the processing that was occurring previously when the system was interrupted"

  collabra 新聞閱讀器 "a groupware product that supports ad hoc discussions, searching across forums, and virtual forms"

  collapse 折疊 "to fold something up so that it is smaller or takes up less space, or fold up in this way"

  collation 校對 a detailed comparison between different items or forms of information

  collect 采集 "to get or pick up data, etc"

  collect 對方付費的 (of telephone calls) on a reverse-charge basis

  collect call 對方付費電話(huà) a call at the called party's expense

  collection 采集 "the process of getting or picking up data, etc"

  collision 沖突 "multiple network transmissions overlapping in the physical channel, resulting in garbled data and necessitating retransmission"

  colocation 服務(wù)器托管 服務(wù)提供商向用戶(hù)出租機房空間

  colocation 主機托管 不如“服務(wù)器托管”常用

  color gradation 色階 a shading or passing of one tint or shade of color to another in very small degrees

  COM 組件對象模型 Component Object Model

  combobox 組合框 a combination of a drop-down list or list box and a single-line textbox

  command 命令 a word or phrase that can be selected from a menu or typed after a prompt in order to carry out an action

  command line 命令行 a blank line on screen ready to receive instructions from the user

  comment 注釋 a note embedded in a program that describes how the following programming code works

  common 公用的 shared by the public

  common carrier 公共通信公司 organizations licensed by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and required to supply communications services to all users at published prices

  common-mode gain 共模增益 ratio of the output voltage of a differential amplifier to the common-mode input

  communication 通信 "the process of transferring information in the various media from one point, person or device to another"

  communications 通信學(xué) "the branch of science and technology that is concerned with the process of representing, transferring, interpreting, or processing data among persons, places, or machines"

  communications center 通信中心 an agency in charge of handling and controlling communications traffic

  communications satellite 通信衛星 "an artificial satellite used to relay data such as radio, telephone, and television signals around the world"

  compander 壓擴器 a system for improving the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal at a transmitter or recorder by first compressing the volume range of the signal and then restoring it

  companding 壓縮擴展 "a process in which compression is followed by expansion, often used for noise reduction"

  companding 壓擴 “壓縮擴展”的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)

  compandor 壓縮擴展器 a system for improving the SNR by compressing the volume range of signal at a transmitter or recorder and restoring the normal range at the receiving or reproducing apparatus

  compatibility 兼容性 the characteristic of data processing equipment by which one machine may accept and process data prepared by another machine without conversion or codemodification

  compatible 兼容的 able to be used together with or substituted for another piece of hardware or software

  compilation 編譯 the process of compiling a program

  compile 編譯 to convert a computer program written in a high-level language into an intermediate language machine language using a special program compiler

  compiler 編譯程序 a computer program that converts another program from a high-level language into an intermediate language machine language

  compiler 編譯器 不如“編譯程序”常用

  complement 補碼 the number derived by subtracting a number from a base number

  complementation 求補 an operation resulting in the reverse significance in each digit position in a series of digits

  complementer 補碼器 a functional unit whose output data are a representation of the complements of the numbers represented by its input data

  complementing flip-flop 求反觸發(fā)器 a flip-flop consisting of primary and auxiliary triggers having separate inputs realized on potential elements

  component 構件 不如“組件”常用

  component 組件 "one of the essential, functioning parts of a subsystem or equipment, possibly a self-contained element, or a combination of parts, assemblies, attachments, or accessories"

  componentware 組件式軟件 a software designed to work as a component of a larger application

  compress 壓縮 "to reduce the number of bits required to represent computer text, data, or images to save storage space or reduce transmission time"

  compression 壓縮 "a technique for reducing the number of bits required to represent text, data, or images to save storage space or reduce transmission time"

  compromise 泄密 "in data security, an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information"

  computer 電腦 “計算機”的俗稱(chēng)

  computer room 機房 Design of Computer Room Air Conditioner Control System Based on μC/OS-II

  concatenated code 級聯(lián)碼 "the effective compound code employed in a concatenated coding system, or a code designed for use in such a system, either as the inner code or as the outer code"

  concatenation 串接 a function that forms a single string of symbols from two given strings by placing the second after the first

  concentrator 集線(xiàn)器 a telecommunications device that combines outgoing messages into one message or extracts individual messages from one transmission into which they have been combined

  concordance 詞匯索引 "an index produced by computer or machine, alphabetically listing every word in a text"

  concurrence 并發(fā) 不如“concurrency”常用

  concurrency 并發(fā) "the progressing of two or more activities (processes, programs) in parallel"

  concurrent 并發(fā)的 pertaining to the occurrence of two or more activities within a given interval of time

  configurable 可配置的 capable of being configured

  configuration 配置 the way in which the software and hardware components of a computer system are arranged and interconnected

  configure 配置 to set parameters etc for a computer

  congestion 擁塞 a situation in which the amount of information to be transferred is greater than the amount that the data communication path can carry

  conjunctive query 合取查詢(xún) a restricted form of first-order queries

  connect 連接 "to set up a communication link between people, organizations, or places"

  connected 連通的 having set up a communication link

  connected graph 連通圖 a undirected graph in which there is at least one path joining each pair of vertices

  connection 連接 "the act of setting up a communication link between people, organizations, or places"

  connection pool 連接池 a cache of database connections maintained by the database so that the connections can be reused when requested

  connectionless 無(wú)連接的 having or requiring no connection

  connection-oriented 面向連接的 describes a means of transmitting data in which the devices at the end points use a preliminary protocol to establish an end-to-end connection before any data is sent

  connectivity 連通性 "an ability to communicate with another system, hardware or software, or with an Internet site"

  connexion 連接 #NAME?

  CONP 面向連接網(wǎng)絡(luò )協(xié)議 Connection-Oriented Network Protocol

  CONS 面向連接的網(wǎng)絡(luò )服務(wù) connection-oriented network service

  constant ratio code 恒比碼 a code that always contains the same ratio of 0s to 1s

  constructibility 可構造性 the quality of being constructible

  constructible set 可構成集 a finite union of locally closed sets in a topological space

  contention 爭用 a condition arising when two or more data stations attempt to transmit at the same time over a shared channel or in a two-way alternate communication

  continuation 延拓 an approach to solving a mathmatical problem that involves a sequence of problems with different parameters

  contour 等值線(xiàn) Algorithm of Triangle Constructed Grid Based on Points and Method of Automatically Establishment Contour

  controller 控制器 a device designed for controling

  convergence 融合 "the combining of different forms of electronic technology, such as data and word processing converging into information processing"

  conversion 轉換 "in programming languages, the transformation between values which represent the same data item but belong to different data types"

  convolution 卷積 a mathematical way of combining two signals to form a third signal

  convolution code 卷積碼 a type of channel coding that adds patterns of redundancy to the data in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for more accurate decoding at the receiving end

  convolver 卷積器 a surface acoustic-wave device in which signal processing is performed by a nonlinear interaction between two waves traveling in opposite directions

  cooperation 協(xié)同 The Method of Component Delta_Oriented Version Control for Version Control Management in Large Application Software Distributed Cooperation Development

  copper clad steel 銅包鋼 a material of wire combines high mechanical resistance of steel with the conductivity and resistance to corrosion of copper

  copper-clad 銅包的 clad with copper

  coprocessor 協(xié)處理器 a microprocessor that operates alongside and supplements the capabilities of main processor

  COPS 公共開(kāi)放政策服務(wù) Common Open Policy Service

  copy 復制 to make another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else

  copying 復制 an act of making another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else

  CORBA 公共對象請求代理體系結構 Common Object Request Broker Architecture

  cordless telephone 無(wú)繩電話(huà) a portable battery-powered telephone with a short-range radio link to a fixed base unit

  core wire 芯線(xiàn) We compute the shield and core wire response of a shielded cable under the influence of external transient electromagnetic field

  corner cut 切角 a corner cut off a punched card at an oblique angle to aid in orientation

  COT 中心局終端 Central Office Terminal

  count 計數 "the cumulative total of the number of times a specific event occurs, kept as factual record"

  counter 計數器 a device that counts automatically

  counterpoise 地網(wǎng) "a radial array of metallic wires, rods, or tubes arranged horizontally around the base of a vertical aerial to increase its transmitting efficiency"

  counting 計數 the act of recording the cumulative total of the number of times a specific event occurs

  coverage 覆蓋范圍 移動(dòng)通信系統為用戶(hù)提供服務(wù)的范圍

  CPCS 公共部分會(huì )聚子層 Common Part Convergence Sublayer

  CPE 用戶(hù)駐地設備 Customer Premises Equipment

  CP-FSK 連續相位頻移鍵控 continuous phase frequency shift keying

  CPG 呼叫狀態(tài) Call ProGress

  CPLD 復雜可編程邏輯器件 complex programmable logic device

  CPNIE 被叫方號碼信息單元 called party number information element

  CPU 中央處理器 central processing unit

  CRAC 計算機房空調 computer room air conditioner

  crack 破解 "to decipher or solve something such as a code, puzzle or problem"

  cracker 駭客 "a user who gains unauthorized access to a computer system, especially to acquire or interfere with data"

  cracking 破解 "deciphering or solving something such as a code, puzzle, or problem"

  cramming 擅自添加服務(wù) 未經(jīng)用戶(hù)允許而增加的服務(wù)功能,如語(yǔ)音郵件

  crankback 遇忙返回 a mechanism of ATM network when a connection setup request is blocked because a node along a selected path cannot accept request

  crash 崩潰 "a sudden complete failure of a computer system, device, or program, usually with an accompanying loss of data"

  crash recovery 故障恢復 the process by which the database is moved back to a consistent and usable state

  CRBT 炫鈴 color ring back tone

  CRC 循環(huán)冗余校驗 Cyclic Redundancy Check

  create 創(chuàng )建 to bring something into existence

  creation 創(chuàng )建 the process of creating an object

  crimeware 犯罪軟件 a software designed for an illegal purpose

  crimp 軋紋 to fold or press into ridges

  crimping 軋紋 the process of pressing or pinching into small regular folds or ridges

  crippleware 殘廢軟件 "software that has some important functionality deliberately removed, so as to entice potential users to pay for a working version"

  CRL 證書(shū)撤銷(xiāo)列表 Certificate Revocation List

  crop 裁剪 "to cut off or conceal unwanted parts of an image, especially a photograph"

  crossfoot 交叉合計 "to add numbers in several different ways in a computer, for checking purposes"

  cross-footing 交叉合計 "in a spreadsheet, totaling rows and columns of numbers and comparing the sums"

  crosshair 十字準線(xiàn) intersecting lines in the shape of a cross

  crossover cable 跨接電纜 "a cable that connects two devices of the same type, usually asymmetrically by a crosslink"

  crossover distortion 交越失真 a type of distortion which is caused by switching between devices driving a load

  crosstalk 串音 不如“串擾”常用

  crosstalk 串擾 unwanted signals picked up by one channel of an electronic communication system from another channel

  CRS 證書(shū)申請語(yǔ)法 Certificate Request Syntax

  CRV 呼叫參考值 Call Reference Value

  cryocable 低溫電纜 a highly conducting electrical cable cooled with a refrigerant such as liquid nitrogen

  cryotron 低溫管 a device that makes use of the effects of low temperatures on conductive materials such that small magnetic field changes can control large current changes

  cryptanalysis 密碼分析 process of deciphering coded texts or messages

  cryptochannel 密碼信道 a complete system of communication that uses electronic encryption and decryption equipment and has two or more radio or wire terminals

  cryptography 密碼學(xué) the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms

  CSA 通訊流架構 Communication Streaming Architecture

  CS-ACELP 共軛結構代數碼激勵線(xiàn)性預測 Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction

  CSCI 計算機軟件配置項 Computer Software Configuration Item

  CSCW 計算機輔助協(xié)同合作 computer supported cooperative work

  CSE 公共子表達式消除 common subexpression elimination

  CSI 被叫用戶(hù)識別 Called Subscriber Identification

  CSK 碼移鍵控 code shift keying

  CSMA 載波監聽(tīng)多路訪(fǎng)問(wèn) Carrier Sense Multiple Access

  CSMA/CD 帶沖突檢測的載波監聽(tīng)多路訪(fǎng)問(wèn) Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection

  CSNP 完整序號協(xié)議數據單元 Complete Sequence Number PDU

  CSS 層疊樣式單 cascading style sheet

  CSSB/AM 壓擴單邊帶調幅 companding single sideband/amplitude modulation

  CSTN 色彩超扭曲向列型 Color Super-Twist Nematic

  CSU 信道服務(wù)單元 Channel Service Unit

  CTB 復合三次差拍 Composite Triple Beat

  CTI 計算機電話(huà)集成 Computer Telephone Integration

  CTS 清除發(fā)送 clear to send

  CUG 封閉用戶(hù)群 closed user group

  cursor 光標 a moving marker on a computer screen that marks the point at which keyed characters will appear or be deleted

  custom 定制的 made or built to order

  cutover 徹底替換 采用全新的交換機或安裝新的系統來(lái)代替舊的電話(huà)設備

  cut-through packet switching 通斷式分組交換 a switching approach that streams data through a switch so the leading edge of a packet exits the switch at the output port before the packet finishes entering the input port

  cutting and splicing 割接 Fiber cutting and splicing is no longer needed for the high power optical adapters

  CVS 并發(fā)版本系統 Concurrent Versioning System

  cyberspace 網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間 the notional realm in which electronic information exists or is exchanged

  cycle 周 one period per second

  cycle-skipping 跳周 a phenomenon that occurs when split wavelet contains a very narrow range of frequencies

  cylinder 柱面 a surface formed by a line moving round a closed plane curve at a fixed angle to it

  Czochralski silicon 直拉硅 Oxygen Precipitation and Induced Defects in Heavily Doped Czochralski Silicon

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