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雅安圖文店5年前 (2019-11-28)問(wèn)答57



  Confucius the Sage received an invitation to give a key-note speech at the opening of the American International Symposium of World Sinology. In excitement, he decided to have a box of name cards printed first.

  The stationery shop owner greeted the Sage with extreme reverence. Learning that the name card had to be bilingual, he asked the Sage: “Could I know what name you prefer in English, Sir?”

  “Isn’t that ‘Confucius’ handy enough?” replied the Sage.

   “That’s an honorific from foreigners, Sir,” said the shop owner with a smile. “It’s just a Latinized version of ‘Kong Fuzi’, or ‘Master Kong’, you know. You don’t want to call yourself Master Kong, do you?”

   “That sounds true,” the Sage admitted out loud, relishing his own repeated teachings on modesty. “What should I print, then?”

   “Tell you what, Du Fu was here, too, yesterday,” said the shop owner.

   “Oh, was he? So how did he do his name?” probed the Sage.

   “Well, at first Mr. Du chose ‘Tu Fu’,” said the shop-owner. “I said No, by all means, because it sounds too close to ‘Tofu’. Then he said why not reverse it to ‘Fu Tu’. That would be even worse, I told him, as it sounds like ‘hutu’ – the Chinese for ‘a(chǎn)ll-confused.”

   “So what was the solution then?” the Sage asked.

   “Well, finally I said to the master poet, ‘Don’t you style yourself Zi-mei? So Zimei, Zimei, … I got it!’ ‘You got what?’ Du Fu was puzzled. I said, ‘Du Zimei – so let’s call you Jimmy Tu!’”

   “Great!” the Sage laughed.

   “In fact Han Yu’s been here too,” the shop owner continued.

   “Really?” The Sage’s curiosity was further piqued. “He must have used ‘Han Yu’ on his card.”

   “That’s what he had wanted,” said the owner, “but I turned him flat down. It sounds too much like ‘Hang you’, doesn’t it? Then Master Han said, ‘How about put it the other way round?’ I said ‘You Hang’? That’s no good either! One wants you to be killed, and the other wants you to go kill. How gross!”

   “What happened next?” the Sage asked.

   “Well, then, …,” the shop owner was beaming with pride. “Then I remembered Master Han’s birth place, and I said to him, ‘Aren’t you the Han from Changli?’ ‘That’s right,’ said he. So I just told him to put ‘Charlie Han’ on the card.”

   “That’s marvelous! Truly marvelous!” The Sage laughed, but immediately frowned. “Now all their problems were solved. How about mine?”

  The shop owner used his head a little, and burst out, “I got it!”

   “What now?” asked the Sage.

   “Don’t you have a style name Zhong-ni?” chuckled the shop owner.

   “You’re right.“ The Sage became all anxious.

   “Then why not use ‘Johnny Kong’!” exclaimed the shop owner.

  Before long after that, the stationery shop became internationally famous. It was not until then that people realized that its owner was no other than the wisest man in China Master Zhuge Liang, or Joker Leon, as known in an English International Who’s Who.




  孔子收到美國「世界漢學(xué)國際研討會(huì )」的請柬,邀他在開(kāi)幕典禮後作專(zhuān)題演講, 十分高興,準備先去印一盒名片。







  「杜先生本來(lái)要印Tu Fu,」老闆說(shuō)?!肝乙宦?tīng),說(shuō),不好,太像『豆腐』。杜先生說(shuō),那就倒過(guò)來(lái),叫Fu Tu好了。我說(shuō),那更不行,簡(jiǎn)直像『糊塗』!」



  杜甫說(shuō):『怎麼有了?』我說(shuō):『杜子美,就叫Jimmy Tu吧!』」



  「真的呀?」孔子更好奇了?!杆陀an Yu吧?」

  「本來(lái)他要這樣的,」老闆說(shuō)?!肝乙宦?tīng)又說(shuō)不行,太像Hang you了。韓老說(shuō),『倒過(guò)來(lái)呢?』我說(shuō),You hang?那也不行。不是『吊死你』就是『你去上吊吧』,太不雅了?!?/p>


  「後來(lái)呀,」老闆得意洋洋,「還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說(shuō):『您老不是韓 昌黎嗎?』他說(shuō)『是呀』。我說(shuō)就印Charlie Han好了?!?/p>






  老闆大叫:「就印Johnny Kong好了!」


標簽: 英文名片



