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[尋求合作]上海睿緹實(shí)業(yè)有限公司, 供應真皮,皮制品, 筆記本, 筆筒,寫(xiě)字板, 名片夾, 名片包, 名片盒, 鑰匙

宗谷絲3年前 (2022-04-12)禮品97

  上海睿緹實(shí)業(yè)有限公司, 供應真皮,皮制品, 筆記本, 筆筒,寫(xiě)字板, 名片夾, 名片包, 名片盒, 鑰匙圈, 鑰匙包, 護照本 ,相框, 整理盒

  Reaty 作為辦公禮品行業(yè)全新登入中國市場(chǎng)的美國投資公司,是生產(chǎn)制造商亦是誠信貿易商。Reaty 品牌的背后有全面、完善和強大的支援系統整體配合,Reaty 堅持使用最真材實(shí)料的材料、領(lǐng)先的設計與管理已達到質(zhì)與量的最有效保證。Reaty 每位成員各盡職能、精益求精,發(fā)揮團隊合作致力于“創(chuàng )造價(jià)值”,以超越顧客的期望為目標。

  Reaty 始終致力于“創(chuàng )造價(jià)值”。意味著(zhù)在任何地方,每一次接觸Reaty 的產(chǎn)品,顧客都能夠享受出眾的品質(zhì)及服務(wù),能夠為顧客帶來(lái)滿(mǎn)意和歡笑。Reaty 擁有先進(jìn)技術(shù)和管理的產(chǎn)品制造、健全的人力資源與培訓系統、優(yōu)秀高學(xué)歷的管理人員及客戶(hù)服務(wù)系統、高品質(zhì)原料供應、包裝加工及運輸物流的整合和準確快速的市場(chǎng)推廣及銷(xiāo)售監控,力求為客戶(hù)提供一流的服務(wù)。


  作為印度進(jìn)口真皮的長(cháng)三角地區獨家總代理,月供量可達60000平方英呎,有嚴格的質(zhì)量檢驗體系,在皮料價(jià)格和品質(zhì)的保證下,根據貴公司的數量和規格要求,制定出各類(lèi)高中低檔的牛皮和羊皮,我們絕對注重信譽(yù),望能有機會(huì )為貴公司提供長(cháng)期良好的服務(wù)。



  Reaty Corporation is established as a premier supplier of high-quality affordable office and business leather accessories.

  Manufacturer and supplier of leather products which includes executive diaries, journals, notepads, key holder, coin purses, key rings, card holders, passport covers, and frames, etc.

  Reaty is established as a premier supplier of high-quality affordable office and business leather accessories. Our product lines are meticulously orchestrated from the choice of the highest quality leather, to product design, manufacturing, marketing and on-time delivery.

  At Reaty, our creations will exceed your expectations. Reaty aims to “create values“ of the products. The outstanding qualities and services in every purchase experience of Reaty products will bring you all the satisfaction.

  Our product lines are meticulously orchestrated from the choice of the highest quality leather,to product design, manufacturing, packaging, marketing and on-time delivery. Every item that bears our name will be individually inspected and guaranteed for style, quality and craftsmanship, supported by our excellent customer service.

  Reaty Corporation is the exclusive distributor of an Indian leather tannery in Great Yangzi River Area. With monthly production capability of more than 100000 square feet, we supply various leathers each with unique specifications to best serve your needs. Every item that bears our name will be individually inspected and guaranteed for quality and competitive price.

  With our advantages in obtaining and choosing the raw materials, Reaty also produces leather products including executive diaries, journals, bags, notepads, key holders, coin purses, wallets, key rings, card holders, passport covers, and frames, etc.

   Backed by comprehensive market research, Reaty will deliver exactly what the customer wants.

  中國上海市延安西路895號19B 郵編:200050

  19B,895 West Yan-An Road, Shanghai 200050, China

  Tel: 86-21-51095189

   Fax: 86-21-52379939






